Pine Nuts چلغوزہ Without Shell (Chalghoza)
Basic Info: Chalghoza is a distinct pine variety found in the regions of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and the specific area is the western forest of the Himalayas. Nutritional Value: Nutritional facts Per 100 grams in Pine Nuts (Chilgoza) Calories 673 Total Fat Grams 100 Sodium 2 mg Potassium 597 mg...
Basic Info:
Chalghoza is a distinct pine variety found in the regions of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and the specific area is the western forest of the Himalayas.
Nutritional Value:
Nutritional facts Per 100 grams in Pine Nuts (Chilgoza)
Calories | 673 |
Total Fat Grams | 100 |
Sodium | 2 mg |
Potassium | 597 mg |
Total Carbohydrate | 13 g |
Protein | 14 g |
Vitamins and Minerals in Chilgoza Pine Nuts
Calcium | 0.01 |
Vitamin C | 1% |
Iron | 30% |
Vitamin B-6 | 5 % |
Magnesium | 62% |
Health Benefits:
- Chilgoza Pine NutsPrevents Diabetes
- Chilgoza Pine Nuts Good for Heart
- Chilgoza Benefits for Skin Health
- Chilgoza Pine Nuts Prevents Cancer
- Chilgoza Nuts Good For Muscle Health